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Plan of Attack

11 Jun

hello all!

So as much as I’m lovin’ the laziness of summer and lack of rigid schedule I am DEFINITELY looking forward to starting work and therefore being on a normal schedule. It will be very nice to wake up at the same time all week, eat my meals at roughly the same time and have a consistent work out schedule.

More on the workout schedule in a second, first some random thoughts and stuff from the weekend.

1. TONY’S! Last night was my favorite night of the year (well besides my birthday… but still) THE TONY AWARDS. The one time every year the rest of the world cares a little bit about the broadway community. In past years I have had very passionate opinions about shows, the ones I think should win and the ones I think definitely shouldn’t be winning (the year of In the Heights I might have cried out of happiness when they won, and the year of Spring Awakening I might have screamed at my TV unhappy…), but this year I was a bit indifferent about many of the shows.

Once took home the big award. While I really enjoyed the show and thought it was beautiful, the whole tone was a bit too one note for me. It was all very the same . At least this means I will be able to get tickets to Newsies since it didn’t win!

I thought Neil Patrick Harris made an excellent host once again. Perfect person who bridges the movie/ television community and broadway. With hilarious songs and stunts throughout the night he keeps the show fun and entertaining. How can someone not love him?

This is the first time my boyfriend has experienced what it is like to watch the Tony Awards with me. I think he was a bit terrified by my loud outbursts and had to keep reminding me that the people on TV can’t hear my screaming and clapping. Pshhh Tony Awards are like my Super Bowl!

2. While watching the awards we noshed pigged out on some homemade mexican dip

combine 1 can of refried beans (make sure they are vegetarian if that is a concern!) with the majority of a bottle of picante sauce and 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese. Heat on the stove over a low temperature until the cheese melts.

Spread the mixture over chips. Top with lettuce, tomatoes, 1/2 cup of cheese and sour cream. I personally am not a fan of lettuce and tomatoes so I omitted them on my half. I’m sure there’s a bunch of other toppings that would also taste delish.


3. starbucks . After being a mega fan of iced caramel macchiatos with extra caramel sauce for the past 4 summers, I have found myself a new summa drink that is hopefully less heart attack inducing

iced coffee with sugar free vanilla and soy milk. mmmmm refreshing, tasty and caffeinated. I am currently obsessed with soy milk and think that it enhances the yum factor of any starbucks drink.

that and I also may or may not be lactose intolerant, so it is also nice on my belly.

4. Overnight oats still rock. As the weather gets toastier this cool and refreshing breakfast / lunch option is definitely gonna become a staple in my diet

today I enjoyed them with blueberries and of course some peanut butter puffins.

So about that plan of attack….

Today started 5k training! The “race” is in 9 weeks. While some may say “it’s just a 5k”, and I’m in pretty decent shape fitness wise, I want to feel more comfortable running it this year than I did last year.

During the school year I found a pretty consistent work out schedule, Monday morning yoga and something at night, Tuesday conditioning, Wednesday yoga dance and maybe strength at night, Thursday was mini zumba class, conditioning and trapeze, Friday was 3 hours of dance, Sunday Zumba, and often times I did extra yoga classes in there as well. Right now I’ve been on the kind of “hmm what am I going to do today” rut.

Rut no more, I got me a plan of attack for this week.

so on top of my already scheduled physical therapy appointments, CPR training and visit to the sports medine:

I WILL do 3 running days with the help of my couch to 5k app

I WILL go to bootcamp 3 days

on top of boot camp I WILL strength train on other days

I WILL go to yoga, something I haven’t been doing as often as I would like to

I WILL do additional fun cardio like zumba and cardio splash

and I WILL take a deserved rest day at some point this weekend

when in doubt, make a schedule.

how bout you, what are your plans for the week and summer as far as workouts go? I’m trying to figure out how my workouts will go once my job starts… I’m considering doing boot camp again at 6:45AM before camp every day. yikes, ambitious. hmmm it is a possibility….

Sunny Day Workout

31 May

finally a sunny day without humidity!

As much as I love going to the gym, I knew motivating myself to make the 25 minute drive on this beautiful day was not happening. One draw back of suburbia is everything is so far away. I can usually justify driving for a group fitness class or when I know my friend will be at the gym, but today there were no classes or friend motivating me.

instead I decided to test out my new couch to 5k app and try out a workout from online.

before heading out to run around the neighborhood I put this playlist together

I am currently OBSESSED with Nicki Minaj’s Starships. I’ve never really gotten into her music, but this is my favorite song of summer (well late spring) so far. the day camp I work at better get ready to hear lots of it this summer.

In August I will be “running” my second 5k at Yankee Stadium. Last summer I was a bit clueless about how to train, I would spend time on the treadmill simple proving to myself that I would alternate walking and running for 3.1 miles. Coming from the girl who cried her way through the mile run in high school this was a big improvement.

look ma! I’m on the jumbo tron at yankee stadium!

sweaty sibling #proof

This summer I decided to have a plan of attack, the famous couch to 5k route. I downloaded the app “get running” and took today as a literal test run

already I can tell this app is AMAZING. with music from my iphone playing in the background, the app gives me continuous prompts that lower the music slightly telling me when to walk, run and a warning of what is coming up.

day one was 28 minutes with 8 1 minute running bursts. I loved that I could mindlessly run around my neighborhood and be prompted when it was time to run or walk. I’ll keep ya updated how the rest of 5k training goes, but this app is definitely gonna be a huge help.

after running around my neighborhood it was time for some strength training. After searching around various blogs I decided to try out one of Fitnessista’s workouts from last summer.

yes, I drew little pictures to remind me what the exercise looked like

I modified a teensy bit for injury and at home workout ability– the overheads & pushups in the beginning were a bit brutal for me post run and with a weak right arm so I cut out a set. Instead of tri-dips I did kick backs. I didn’t have an assisted pull-up machine so I improvised other arm exercises and lastly decided to finish the ab burner with pilates-style roll-ups instead of the stiff leg pull over crunch.

I’m not usually a fan of working out on my own, but with my summer tunes playlist and this great workout was a great gym alternative.

and now since I got my sweat in this afternoon I get to enjoy an indian food dinner with the boy tonight. much better than going to kickboxing at the gym




oh and one last thing:

I will forever think of “pewww peww imma rocket” in tree pose from now on…. great.

Treadmill Incline Workout O’ Death

11 Apr

Playlist of the Day:

I am OBSESSED with “What Makes You Beautiful” and might have created this playlist just so I could include this song……….

Recently my workouts have been rather “meh” and modified since I injured my deltoid 3+ weeks ago. Yes it has been 3 weeks since my trapeze incident (I wish I could say I hurt it in some thrilling way while flying, but the actual moment when I felt the injury happen I wasn’t even doing a trick). I will finally be seeing a doctor Tuesday, and fingers crossed, I will still be allowed to do physical activity.

This afternoon I glanced longingly at the “Ultimate Conditioning” class I love oh so much, and headed over to the treadmill where my arm would not get in the way of sweating. Until today all my treadmill workouts have been synced to music. I listen to the “American Idiot” cast recording and run fast when it is an intense song, and slow down when it is a less angsty song. This theory is probably not the best, but it gets me sweating, and gets me running– which is an accomplishment.

Armed with my new playlist and a pre-made treadmill workout, I was ready to sweat.

I followed this incline workout of death courtesy of Peanut Butter Fingers. My initial thoughts were “hmmm this ain’t so bad!” I was lovin’ it! I was busy changing the speed and incline every minute and at first barely even noticed that I was starting to run up a mountain. The slow build up makes it less noticeable, but around minute 16 my legs were definitely aware of the incline– am I going to get altitude sickness all the way up here?

Around minute 22 I called it quits, I was surprised how much this incline took outta me and how bright red I was when I got off the treadmill. While I didn’t survive the full 30 minutes today, I LOVED this workout and following a premade plan. Although I felt a bit like a dork on a treadmill with a sheet of paper, I liked knowing that the high speeds were only for a minute, and I felt very focused constantly changing the speed and incline. New fitness goal: to conquer the incline workout of death.

What do you do on the treadmill? One speed for the whole time? Follow a pre-made plan? Or do the Kayla method and choreograph your run to American Idiot…..