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Big Things + vegan healthy ice cream [recipe]

16 Jan

After waking up at 5:15AM the past few days I was grateful to have the chance to sleep-in this morning and rest up before a crazy day of traveling around rainy Manhattan. I’m jealous of all my teacher friends in Westchester who had snow days……

I can’t give away some of the details yet, but exciting things are happening right now. Today was definitely a big big day in taking my next step forward and I’m feeling optimistic that everything will click into place soon. I made a really big decision that I think is for the best and will ultimately make me happier and closer to my goals.

Can’t wait to share some exciting news with you guys in the near future!


dinner tonight was round 2 of scrambled eggs, zucchini and brussel sprouts


Look ma, I’m eating my veggies! Aren’t you proud?






Is it just me or does ketchup make everything taste magical?

dessert tonight was ah-mazing and courtesy of this recipe

It was finally time to christen my new food processor, and what better way than with vegan, healthy, ice cream 🙂


put a frozen banana in the food processor (I broke my banana up into 4 pieces)

add a splash of almond milk

and blend until it becomes a creamy consistency. At first you will be discouraged and feel like your ice cream attempt is a failure, but don’t worry, your frozen banana will reach it’s ice cream destiny if you keep blending it!

if you love peanut butter like I do, add a small spoonful in as well

the result? shockingly amazing ice cream.


I couldn’t resist adding chocolate syrup and sprinkles, but trust me it was gooood even with out the toppings



I might’ve found my new favorite dessert.


question of the day: what’s your dessert guilty pleasure

mine is definitelyyyy ice cream. Whenever there’s some in the freezer I can’t resist having a bowl after dinner.




27 Aug

greetings from week two of funemployment!

perks of funemployment: I finally had time to get my nails did!
the color combo reminds me of the 80’s. and it matched one of my sundresses! win win.


I am attempting to apply for jobs in California. The only problem is I have approximately zero skillz or qualifications. Under special skills on my resume should read “choreographing outrageously cheesy  and embarrassing dances for co-workers”

I wish there was a job where that was literally all I had to do…

Funemployment means lots of free time.  Unfortunately I go stir crazy with lots of free time and no routine or schedule. I’ve reverted back to my college ways of writing out a super detailed and specific outline of my week. Highlights for this week include: seeing the Dark Knight Rises again (since I fell asleep the first time…), hopefully a beach trip, MY FIRST TRAPEZE CLASS IN 5 MONTHS, a mall excursion, a family outing to see Jimmy Buffett, and of course lots of schweaty workouts.

As always, one of my big goals is to cook more often. I tend to eat out a lot more than I would like to admit. With all this free time, and the humungous kitchen at my parents house, it means I have no excuses.

Here’s what I’ve been eating this week:

a brand new vegan overnight oats recipe

While I love the usual recipe I use, this was a tasty, dairy-free alternative. It’s great for super ripe bananas that are too mushy to be cut up. As always, I added some peanut butter and pb puffins. I also drizzled some extra honey on top. Delicious.

dairy free quesadilla 

quesadillas have always been one of my go-to foods. They are super easy to make and have a lot of fun variations. Since I cut back on the dairy consumption I’ve missed these cheesy treats.

Daiya dairy free cheese is an excellent alternative. Using the mozzarella flavor I made my favorite combination of cheese and sliced turkey with hummus on the side.

I look forward to more experimenting with daiya as a cheese alternative.

chicken francais

the boy and I attempting to make chicken frances once more. While the first time was decently successful and delicious, we wanted to double batter the chicken this time for an even better dish.

yummy success

paired with an appetizer salad and some whole grain linguini it was one awesome dinner.

almond pancakes

I spent all of Spring semester consuming greek yogurt pancakes like it was my job. While I love ’em, they aren’t dairy free. So now I present my new pancake love: PB Finger’s Almond Pancakes.

I’ll warn ya, they are a bit dry, but dipped in maple syrup they are perfect. I’ve been loving these filling bad boys after an intense morning of boot camp. Definitely keeps me full.


I’m hoping to have enough “go to” recipes and easy to make dishes that can keep me going in California without relying on take out (although I will have to give in and get some veggie grill sometimes)

any suggestions on what kind of job will allow me to choreograph more cheesy 90’s dances?

the last hoorahs of college and 21

15 May

uh, graduabirthday is TOMORROW? WHAT. it feels like just yesterday I was an itty bitty freshman (and by itty bitty I mean the exact same height as I am now…) moving into Hayden Hall with my parents, anxious and excited to begin my college journey. In some ways it went by super fast, in other ways it has definitely been four long years.

This awkward limbo week with no homework or finals has been absolutely crazy with workouts, yoga, friends visiting, end of year parties, and a brief trip home to Westchester.

Here’s what’s been going down, and how the challenge is going:

Thursday (day 10)

Day 10 was a $1 Karma Yoga class at Yoga Vida. $1 yoga? sweeeeeet. The class is taught by a recent graduate of the yoga teacher program. I am deeply considering attending the teacher training at Vida in the near future, so it was awesome to see the final product of the program and take a class with one of the new teachers. The class was pretty basic, no crazy inversions, but that is perfect for me and my arm at the moment. It gave me a really good feeling about the teacher training program and even more incentive to sign up in the future.

Thursday night was my friends birthday and a trip to DINO BBQ! nom nom nom. I’ve never been to Dino BBQ, but people are OBSESSED with this place. I’m not a huge bbq gal, but this food was awesome, the portions were epic, and the price was great for college students. I highly recommend taking this trip way up town for some delicious food

bbq chicken, totes worth the food baby

Friday (day 11)

Woahhhh we’re half way there!

Friday’s class was a super awesome and inspirational one at yoga vida. The instructor explained that we are going to focus on “pratyahara” today. She explained it as going from the inside out instead of the other way around. So often we look for happiness in outside things– possessions, boyfriends, material goods, etc, when really we are our own source of happiness.

I really connect with this concept, especially after reading “The Happiness Project” last summer and taking “The Science of Happiness” at nyu this semester. It is easy to blame other things for our unhappiness. I had always been super convinced that having a boyfriend would make me happy and solve all my problems. Last summer I realized though that in order to even “get” the boyfriend, to make that connection with someone else, I had to be happy to begin with. I am seriously convinced that this is why my boyfriend and I did get together at the end of last summer- happy people are simply more attractive, more fun to be around, and the people you want to have a relationship with. If I hadn’t spent the summer laughing, smiling, confident and focusing on having the greatest summer of my life, I don’t think this relationship would have happened.

This is also true with material goods– We all want the newest iPhone, the best gadgets, things that we think will make us happy. But then an even newer, better version comes out, and we are once again sad.

I am a strong believer than money does not bring happiness. You can own all the possessions in the world, but nothing can buy that true key to happiness– human connection, and the ability to find happiness from within.

What I wonder is, does that mean outside things can’t also ultimately make us “sad” or the opposite of happy?

I know death, trauma, etc, can make us unhappy (and justifiably so), but if going on that principle of finding happiness from within, does that also mean we can only find sadness from within?

Saturday (day 12)

Day 12 was a sleep walking through class kinda class. I just kept telling myself to push through.

Sunday (day 13)

On sunday I decided to stay after zumba for Buddha Belly at Crunch. The class was a sort of yogalates fusion combing moves from both vocabularies. While I enjoyed the class, I slightly regretted not going to one of the vinyasa classes I am more accustomed to. I found myself stressed about not doing the moves and poses correctly since a lot of them were new to me, compared to when I can go into full on “I AM FOCUSING ON MY BREATH” mode in a flow class because I know ultimately how to position my body

And it was mothers day! On Friday I left flowers and cupcakes in my parents apartment to surprise them when they arrived that night. I absolutely adore my mama and cannot even begin to thank her for putting up with me…..

For mothers day my family did what my family does best– we went to see a broadway musical! For the past 10 years we have been mega fans of the incredibly talented Raul Esparza, so we knew seeing his new show “Leap of Faith” would be something that made the whole family happy.

Ironically we ended up with tickets to the closing performance of the show. My family loved the show, based on the movie, that reminded us a lot of “The Music Man” meets the energy of Footloose. so sad to see it close

Even better than the show was stagedooring afterwards, where Raul recognized my brother and I. You know you’ve stagedoored too many times with the actor remembers you….

ya know, two NYU Tisch, Playwrights Horizons Graduates 🙂

can’t wait to see what his next project is

Monday (day 14)

When I decided to do a 22 Day Yoga Challenge I knew there were some possible “problem days”. One is tomorrow, Graduabirthday, because I am still not sure how the timing will work out with everything.

The other problem? Knowing I would finally be getting my shoulder checked out and a less than pleasant arthogram.

As someone will a bit of a needle phobia the thought of having a needle stuck into my shoulder joint made me queasy when I found out about the procedure a month ago. While the MRI part didn’t scare me (ya know, just lie in a machine and listen to showtunes, no big!) I was incredibly anxious about getting the dye injected into my shoulder.

Day 14 was my version of Yoga, willing myself to not going into full panic attack mode, keeping my body relaxed, and remaining as calm as possible to make the procedure easier for both the doctor and myself. I like to think that this is what the whole challenge as been about, finding a way to cope with anxiety inducing situations while avoiding full on freak outs.

and I did it! and being the “teachers pet” that I am, I was super happy when the anesthesiologist told my mom I did a really good job. Gold star for Kayla.

In the height of pain I zoned out and went through every trapeze trick I have ever done, visualizing what I looked like and hearing the commands. When that failed me I also sang in my head my favorite musical from childhood, “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat”.

I am okay now, my shoulder is still a bit sore from the procedure, so I decided not to go to yoga at all yesterday.

In my opinion this is not failing my challenge, because physically I cannot go to a yoga class in this condition, and ultimately I felt I still practiced what a class would have given me.

Ironic part of the procedure? While listening to showtunes in the MRI machine (I love how they give you a choice of music stations… and I love how I am probably the only person that picks the showtunes station) “What I Did for Love” from A Chorus Line came on. A song about getting injured doing something you love, in the show it is about what happens if your dance career is over. For me, it’s the song I’ve been singing to myself about performing and trapeze since I got injured. super freaky.

So 8 weeks later, I found out I have tendonitis in my right rotator cuff. The good news? I don’t need surgery. And physical therapy starts monday. the road to recovery begins

Back in the city at night I hung out with my bestie David before he headed back to the West Coast.

we enjoyed an INCREDIBLE meal at Red Bamboo, this delicious vegetarian restaurant in the village

above is my coconut “chicken”. delish. David had an asian “beef” dish which was also delish. Even though I eat chicken and turkey, I still really enjoy vegetarian food. My big suggestion is enjoy the dish for what it is, not what it is trying to imitate.

TODAY (Tuesday)
and today. I set my super early alarm, ambitiously hoping to go to early morning vinyasa at Yoga Vida. While I was wide awake and ready to go at 6:15, my arm is still a bit sore from the injection. I decided to wait and see if my arm is a bit less sore to do a yoga class tonight

Instead, I went to LaBlast and Pilates Fusion at Crunch Christopher street. I must say I was SUPER impressed with everything there. The gym is spread out and not crowded, the people in class were seriously the loveliest I have taken a group fitness class with recently, and Carol was awesome about making sure I was doing okay with my lame arm. Two thumbs up for this mornings sweat.



and now, tomorrows the big day! Turning 22 and graduating!

a lil’ sneaky peak at what’s in store:

I get to wear that… uh lovely… purple tent all week!

NYC Vegetarian Food Festival 2012

5 Mar

I believe I am in a permanent food coma.

this weekend was spent performing the musical I am in for school 4 times, eating outrageous quantities of delicious food, and spending time with people I love.

today I went to the NYC Vegetarian Fest

I am not a vegetarian. I wish I could be, but it would not fit my current life style and picky eating habits. I haven’t eaten red meat since I was 12, and currently only eat chicken and turkey. My reasoning behind banning red meat from my diet is simple– I don’t like it and it grosses me out…. however, I do not care that you eat it.

I hope some day I will broaden my food horizons enough to include the essential nutrients I would need in order to cut chicken from my diet, but that is currently not the case. At this point in my life though, I eat chicken maybe twice a week and love trying vegetarian alternatives.

Attending the Vegetarian Food Festival was awesome, and delicious.

Here are some of my favorite booths of the day

Peanut Butter Co
Anyone who knows me knows my favorite food is peanut butter. I have been a huge fan of PB Co. since summer 2010 when I went there practically every day before my summer classes for a peanut butter and nutella sandwich. I loved getting to taste test all their delicious flavors. I ended up buying a few jars of “The Bees Knees” which is peanut butter with honey

slathered on whole wheat bread, this was the post- performance treat tonight. As if I needed more reasons to eat a peanut butter sandwich every day.

Yoga Rave

yes, a yoga rave. this sounds like the coolest thing ever, and I am so disappointed that I already have plans that thursday night.

You start off with a yoga warm up, then it turns into a rave, and then you finish off with yoga and meditation. For a girl like me who is not remotely into clubbing, but loves dancing and is slowly learning to love yoga, this is my kind of party. Hopefully it will be a huge success and there will be more Yoga Raves in the future.

Daiya Dairy Free Cheese

if you are vegan or lactose intolerant, this substitute “cheese” is absolutely delicious. I tried the pepper jack in quesadilla form and the american in grilled cheese form, and both were yummy alternatives

Vegan Marshmallows from Sweet and Sara

I don’t like to think about what marshmallows are made of. Some people say those horrifying gelatin stories are no longer true, others feel the need to constantly remind me that I am eating animal bones. If that is the case, Sweet and Sara vegan marshmallows were a fantastic substitute

my favorite were the rice krispy treats and the peanut butter s’mores


It was a delicious afternoon taste testing at the festival

This semester is going by WAY too fast, I have 4 more performances of the musicals and then it is SPRING BREAK— and the signal that spring semester is half way over.

It is gonna be a crazy whirlwind week attempting to study for midterms, performing 4 more times, having a full week of class… and followed by going home to visit friends for the weekend before I go to California for the rest of spring break.

I just keep thinking how amazing it will be when I am in California in a little over a week, enjoying the warmer weather with my best friend…..

(spring break 2011 in California. Bestie and I lived out my life long wish and had a dream Disneyland Vacation and stayed onsite. Actually….. we went to Disneyland all 3 times I visited him last year. We are kind of obsessed.)