Turn Up The Heat

20 Jun

1. this guy and I are celebrating 10 months together today

thanks for putting up with me for the past 10 months…

I am super excited to pig out on Indian food tonight at the restaurant we went to on our first date 🙂

2. it is HOT in New York.

yeeeesh. Even in a tank top and shorts I was sweatin’my butt off outside. At times like this I’m a little bit happy to be living in suburbia where I drive my car everywhere and don’t spent much time outside…

My day has been planned around the blistering heat and avoiding the great outside world…

Hot weather means no outdoor workout for me today. I’ve been dissing my gym recently because of outdoor bootcamp and 5K training. Hot weather thought means it’s time to get reacquainted with my gym. Group fitness classes in the air conditioning this morning = a much better (and safer) idea than sweating it out in the heat.

Hot weather and an almost empty jar of peanut butter also means post workout breakfast of overnight oats in a jar.

I had to leave a note on the peanut butter jar to so no one in my family threw it out….

before going to bed I made my favorite dairy-free oats inside the peanut butter jar

and stuck them in the fridge to be enjoyed post workout

a side note about my peanut butter love: if you know me personally you know I am addicted to peanut butter. I’ve eaten peanut butter in some format almost every day of my life since I was a kid. I know I know, skippy’s adds sugar to their peanut butter, and essentially it is not as healthy and protein packed as I want it to be, but it’s just so damn tasty. I’ve been trying to ween myself off of the sugary stuff but so far no luck. anyone have a favorite brand of peanut butter that only uses peanuts and salt? any of the ones I’ve tried just don’t cut it…

back to the yummy oats…

in the morning I enjoyed and peanut buttery, refreshing, oat-y treat

I have a feeling this is going to become a summer staple in my diet. So perfect for a blistering hot day.

Question of the day:

do you change your workout routine and eating habits to accommodate the weather?

(granted, I’m the kind of gal who eats soup in the summer and ice cream in the winter)

any favorite refreshing post work out meals for me to enjoy in this heat?

stay cool new york, drink lots and lots of water

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