labor day

3 Sep

Happy Labor Day everyone!

Hope you are having a nice last hoorah of summer. I don’t have a barbeque to go to so I’m substituting with a vegan boca burger made on the stove. Not quite the same as a delicious turkey burger hot off a grill…

I spent the majority of yesterday afternoon choreographing and writing down Zumba dances.

I am TERRIBLE at memorizing dances and have to write down every step of choreography I come up with.

Thank god I have a bunch of songs & dances that I know pretty well from classes I’ve attended dozens of times, but I am trying to build my repertoire so when I arrive in California I have a bunch of playlists ready to go. The Zumba instructor DVDs have become my best friend– every month Zumba sends a CD with new songs and every other month they also include a DVD with choreography ideas. Super helpful for a new instructor trying to put together an hours worth of choreography.

I already booked my first “zumba audition” in California. It’s really hard to pick the best 15 minutes worth of dances to showcase myself as an instructor.

Today is day 3 of Fitness Cheerleaders Blogging Challenge

Day 3 Do you take any vitamins or supplements? If so, which ones and why?

I used to take adult gummy vitamins but haven’t recently. My real reasoning is because they taste good, my health reasoning is because I could probably use the vitamin boost in my diet.

I also take melatonin at night to help me fall asleep. Perhaps it’s the placebo effect making me sleepy, but I swear these things are magical. After struggling with insomnia since I was little, for the first time in my life I can fall asleep easily but I don’t wake up groggy like from other sleep aids.

Hope everyone has a great labor day!

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