Kayla in Los Angeles

14 Mar

greetings from lovely California! I am finally on Spring Break and couldn’t be happier to be on vacation in LA.

Between Daylights Savings, jet lag, travel, and not sleeping much the past few weeks of school I have absolutely no sense of what time it is

my mom's instructions on Daylights Savings

Yesterday was spent doing a whirlwind trip to Disneyland with my best friend. Since my best friend moved here after graduating in 2010, I have visited him 4 times, all of which have included a Disneyland excursion. We both love going there wayyyy too much, and still love it.

while I love the Florida counterpart Disney World, Disneyland has definitely grown on me. It may be smaller, but it packs in the magic. I love that you can do both Disneyland and California Adventure in 1 day (or at least the best of). We got there at lunch time, left around 11pm and were still able to ride almost everything we wanted, some even more than once.

indeed, Disneyland is still the happiest place on earth, even for a 21 year old.

Today I finally went to the gym. Compared to my usual strict schedule, the past few sweat-less days have felt very weird. I went to go check of Crunch’s Los Angeles location, a convenient 5 minute walk away from my friends house.

compared to my usual walk to Crunch which involves dodging pigeons and homeless people, the palm trees and LA view were a nice contrast.

the Crunch here is pretty awesome. It is hugeeee compared to the Union Square and Lafayette locations. I love that you don’t have to sign up for classes in advanced.

I took Super Sculpt with Tanja. It seriously kicked my butt, I was sweating and cursing my exhausted quads within the first 5 minutes of the class. It felt awesome to be sweating and physically active for the first time in a few days, but it was also a grueling class. Tanja was an awesome instructor, full of energy, gave great modification to exercises and kept us motivated even when we were crying in pain

After working out, I went to Veggie Grill located right below Crunch. This vegetarian restaurant offers shockingly delicious meat-free versions of favorite dishes.

Mac & cheese and a spicy “chicken” roll up. This food was seriously good and the perfect meal after a work out. After being cooped up indoors for the New York winter I was so thrilled to eat good food outside.

While I know I am a new yorker at heart– bitter, jaded, a bit aggressive, sarcastic, short, and with a jewish nose, a part of me is also in love with California, and particularly my trips to Los Angeles. I have always been a sucker for warm weather and palm trees, not to mention to healthy culture here and day trips to Disneyland. As the big scary real world is getting closer and closer, the chances of me moving here for some period of time are becoming likely. a 5 foot 2 theater actress with a bump on her nose and natural hair color living in LA? It is a possibility.

Up next in LA?
– Tonight I am seeing American Idiot on tour! (again!) I know I’ve seen the tour a few times, but I am absolutely giddy knowing I get to see it again tonight.
– tomorrow I will be visiting Equinox in Westwood and taking a class.
– more Crunch classes
– yet another viewing of Idiot on tour…….
– and probably some shopping….


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