Final Final Friday.

4 May

On the final friday of every school year my theater school has this huge pep-rally type event “All School” (and sometimes called “Final Friday”). The whole morning is spent celebrating and showing the work we’ve created all year. It felt super weird to finally be part of the senior farewell, while a part of me feels like it has been a very long 4 years, another part of me is in disbelief that I was one of the seniors today saying goodbye. The class of 2012 went out on a high note singing a parody to Les Miz’s “One Day More”, with the Les Miz march, flags, and all of us taking off our shirts at the end. oh theater school.


Day Four was another class at Yoga Vida (yes, I am addicted, IT’S SO GOOD)
For whatever reason it was a super rough class for me. I’m not sure why, because it wasn’t super humid in the room and my arm was feeling decent. I was feeling a bit nauseous though, for no reason, and got distracted by that gross feeling. Such a bummer after having the most fantastic class yesterday. In the end though, it was definitely worth it to push through the yucky feeling. Each class I feel that I am able to self correct more and more, my body is learning these poses– something that was super foreign for me in January.

A common question is gym vs. studio yoga classes. I thoroughly enjoy both, but I think it is really hit miss on both ends. At my particular gym the yoga classes are very small and intimate so there is a lot of personalized attention and adjustments. The class I constantly go to, sunrise salutations, is taught by an incredibly knowledgeable instructor whom yoga is his passion. I know this is not true at all gyms– the yoga could be taught by someone less qualified in yoga and who has more of a fitness background. My gym also has a specific yoga room, which is nice because it is sound proof and very calming. A very different environment than the group fitness room. While overall I enjoy going to yoga at the gym, I find it is hit miss with the teachers, some I love, others I find their class long and painful to survive.

I haven’t gone to a lot of yoga studios– in Manhattan I think only Yoga to the People a few summers ago and Yoga Vida. The classes I have taken at these studios are much larger than at my gym. I like that there are a lot more options as far as times of day. Some studios offer a variety of styles, some specialize in one thing. The great thing with a yoga studio is that you can shop, especially because first classes are usually a good discounted price.

Overall I haven’t noticed a HUGE difference in the quality of the classes. This is probably very particular to Manhattan– in order for the gyms to keep many of their members, they have to offer top notch yoga. Ah, reasons to love Manhattan. I’ve already expressed my concerns about the lack of yoga and Whole Foods in westchester to my mother. how’s a gal gonna survive summer!?

and the best part of my day? finding out that NYU has finally cleared me for graduation. this means May 16th I get to graduate AND wear my pretty new clothes.

Graduabirthday, here I come!

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