“it’s all happening”

16 Sep

L’shana tova to all those celebrating the Jewish New Year. When I decided what date to fly out to California I liked that it was right after the new year. While January is a time when I usually make resolutions and recount the year, I technically get to start over twice. Today begins the new slate in the new Jewish year and Wednesday begins my new adventure and the next chapter– the big scary real world. Perfect timing.

Autumn is definitely happening in New York, it is crisp and rather chilly out right now. I loathe cold weather and keep reminding myself that Wednesday I am moving to the land of eternal sunshine and warmth.

Last night I said goodbye to Manhattan. See you again when I’m back for a week in October. Until then, I will miss my home.

Day 16 How do you measure your fitness progress?

Sometimes it is hard to track my fitness progress when weight loss isn’t the goal. Instead I look at what I can do now that I wasn’t able to do a few months ago or a few years ago. I can run 3 miles, something I definitely couldn’t when I was in high school. I cut off 10 minutes from my 5k time last year. I can make it though an intense zumba class without feeling like I am going to have a heart attack. I can still fit into the jeans I wore when I was in high school and didn’t gain the freshman 15. I can feel how much easier it is to fly as my muscles have become stronger and stronger. When I was extremely into yoga I could feel the progress in each class– poses became easier and more familiar as my body became more flexible and aware of the vocabulary in a yoga class. I wasn’t concerned with the poses I couldn’t do, but instead I was excited about how much deeper I could get in the poses I already did.

How do you measure your fitness progress? 

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